Early Childhood Newsletter 2.26.2024

Dear PCS Families,

How is it that we are ready to wrap up the month of February? With the month of March ahead, the hope of spring is on our minds.  It looks like we will enjoy some spring-like temps at least for the start of the week!  Please note that the month March is a busy one with parent teacher conferences fast approaching.  A letter was sent home last Friday to choose a time to schedule your conference time.  Please return those as soon as you can. 

We wanted to share some of the exciting days that we celebrated in February. We had the 100th day of school as well as Valentine’s Day.  It is hard to believe that we have been in school for 100 days already! Valentine’s day brought all of the love and smiles from our students!  Take a little peek below at some of the highlights from that week!  This newsletter is packed with several reminders and updates! Please be sure to read over everything thoroughly. 

Arrival and Dismissal Procedures:

We would like to remind parents of a few of our arrival and dismissal procedures.  In the morning we ask for parents to refrain from walking their child into the school building, except for Pre-K students. Our Kindergarten and 1st grade students are doing a great job and know where their classroom is located. Teachers are preparing for the day and are unable to chat with parents at the door each morning. This also helps with the congestion in the building.

As we move into the last part of the school year I wanted to send a reminder about the school times.  Kindergarten dismissal is at 3:15 and 1st grade dismissal is at 3:25.  All students should be picked up no later than 3:35 each day.  I have more and more students being picked up late each day.  As a reminder this is our school policy in regard to late pick ups. 

Late Pick Ups:

Dismissal begins at 3:15 for our Early Childhood building and 3:25 for our Elementary and Middle Schools. Dismissal duty ends at 3:35 and any students who have not been picked up are brought back into their respective building. 

We understand that transporting your child to and from school is a commitment you must make in order to attend Premier Charter School. However, we do not have the ability to safely supervise children who are consistently late in being picked up. If your child has not been picked up by 4:00 on 5 separate occasions, he or she will be withdrawn from school and enrolled into virtual learning and will need to re-enter and be re-selected in the school lottery in order to return to in-person learning. 

100th Day and Valentine's Day Fun:

PCS Campus Beautification:

The PCS Beautification Committee is back with our Spring schedule! We are looking for volunteers to help with the exciting projects we have planned for spring.

A little about the group: we work with the Teacher Beautification Committee and our goal is to make the outdoor space at PCS beautiful to be enjoyed by our community, while building community!

Last year we worked in the PCS garden and planted all those new trees you see around campus.

We have big plans this year: more plans for the garden, including new beds to help reduce weeding!! Taking the beautification indoors with a makeover of the teachers lounge and more!

Take it from me, when I say there is truly no experience necessary!! So please let me know if you are interested in more information and I will add you to the list. All are welcome, we always have a bunch of kids playing and gardening so bring the family!!

A Note from the Library:

Did You Know we have a sister library in Lusaka Zambia?

Last year we were able to raise over $400 during our All For Books coin drive for the Impact One Library in Lusaka. This library serves 19 community schools and the surrounding neighborhoods. The library used the money to purchase books for the students they serve. As a thank you, they sent us 5 books written by Zambian authors for our library! 

Our annual coin drive is March 4-8. Every cent raised goes toward purchasing books (for PCS classroom libraries and the Impact One library)! Send in your loose change each day of the week (Monday-pennies, Tuesday-nickels, Wednesday-dimes, Thursday-quarters, Friday-your choice). The class that raises the most money will get a pizza party!

Spring Book Fair March 11th-14th in the library (Building C)

Mon. & Tues. 3:30-5:30

Wednesday 3:30-6:30

*Thursday 12:00-2:30 (please note we will close earlier than usual on Thursday!)

Can't make it after school? Your child may visit the book fair during school. Open an ewallet account (bit.ly/pcsfair) or send cash in an envelope with your child's name and the amount written on it. 

We need your help to make the book fair a success! Click here to sign up for a shift at the book fair (and earn $5 book fair credit!)

Contact Mrs. Ramsey (vramsey@premiercharterschool.org) with any questions!

PCS Night at Busch Stadium

Come see our amazing choir, led by Mr. Padgett, perform Take Me Out To The Ballgame during the 7th Inning Stretch at Busch Stadium on Tuesday, May 21st. The St. Louis Cardinals will be facing the Baltimore Orioles and the game starts at 6:45pm.

 PCG will begin selling tickets to the game soon. In the meantime, please save the date!

2024-2025 Before and After Care Lottery:

Summer Camp Opportunity:

St. Louis Public Library will again offer FREE summer camps at various locations! Registration for camps will open at noon on Monday, March 4. Registration and camp info can be found here.

Upcoming dates:

  • March 6 - End of 3rd Quarter

  • March 7 - Earthquake Drill

  • March 12-14 - Book Fair

  • March 13 - Parent Teacher Conferences

  • March 14 - Early Dismissal @12:00 PM  Parent Teacher Conferences

  • March 15 - 22 - No School Spring Break

Have a great week!


Jodi and Mary

e: jhuber@premiercharterschool.org  p: 314.645.9600 x 609

e: mgeorge@premiercharterschool.org  p: 314.645.9600 x 613


Early Childhood Newsletter 3.4.2024


Elementary School Newsletter 2.26.2024