Middle School Newsletter 3.11.2024

I  wanted to remind you that conferences this week will be student led. Third quarter conferences will give you and your child a clear understanding on how they are doing in their classes as well as  have any questions or concerns addressed. Please make every effort to attend your child’s conference.

I would like to remind you that Thursday, March 14 is a half day. We will be dismissing our students at noon on Thursday. There is no school on Friday, March 15 for all students. The following week, March 18-22  is Spring Break. School will resume on Monday, March 25.

I hope you all have a wonderful week and enjoy your time together during Spring Break.

As always, don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. 

  • March 12-Attendance Celebration

  • March 13 & 14- Conferences

  • March 14- Noon Dismissal 

  • March 15-22- No School

  • April 1-5- 8th Grade MAP Testing

  • April 8-11- 7th Grade MAP Testing

  • April 16-18- 6th Grade MAP Testing



314.645.9600 (607)~kwright@premiercharterschool.org

Attendance Celebration:
For the 3rd Quarter we had 198 students attend school 90% of the time and 22 students 100%!  As we know, being present at school is critically important for student success.  Thank you so much for making sure your child is at school everyday! We are looking forward to celebrating with students and families on Tuesday!

Pick Up Procedure Reminder:

Over the past few weeks and months, we've observed an increasing number of cars stopping in the left lane to pick up children. This poses a significant safety risk as students are crossing a lane of traffic without supervision, with no guarantee that traffic will remain stopped. Additionally, we've noticed parents crossing in the middle of the parking lot while we're directing traffic, which creates hazards for both drivers and pedestrians.

Please remember that safety is our utmost priority when picking up your students. To ensure the safety of all, we kindly ask that you use designated crosswalks while a staff member is present to stop traffic. Moreover, we urge you not to stop in the left lane for pick-up; instead, please wait until a parking spot becomes available.

Thank you for your attention and cooperation in this important matter.

PCS Night at Busch Stadium:

Come see our amazing choir, led by Mr. Padgett, perform Take Me Out To The Ballgame during the 7th Inning Stretch at Busch Stadium on Tuesday, May 21st. The St.Louis Cardinals will be facing the Baltimore Orioles and the game starts at 6:45pm.  PCG will begin selling tickets to the game soon. In the meantime, please save the date!

Title I.A Programs:

Parents and Guardians, please join us on Wednesday, March 13th from 5-6 pm, in the middle school cafeteria, for our annual review and evaluation of our Title I.A programs. We have scheduled this meeting to coincide with conferences, hopefully making it easier to plan in your schedule. Please see the attached meeting agenda HERE and reach out to Christy Wohlgemuth with any questions. 



Click HERE to view the Lead Testing Results letter from our Head Of Operations.

Spring Survey:

This week we are going to begin administering our Spring Student Survey to our 3rd-8th grade students and wanted to invite you to complete our related Spring Family Survey.

We administered similar surveys in the fall and after reviewing responses and gathering additional information from students and families, we implemented strategies to respond to what we heard.  The results from the Spring Survey will give us some information about how much progress we made, where we are doing well and opportunities for continued growth.  Upon completion of the survey, all results will be posted to our website www.premiercharterschool.org

You can complete the Spring Family Survey here.

PCS Multicultural Fair:

The Annual PCS Multicultural Fair will be held April 25. This event is a treasured event for students, staff and our PCS families.  Middle Schooler Olivia S. wrote an article about its significance.


Kim Wright M.Ed. LPC, RPT

Middle School Principal

Supporting the curious and empowered learner since 2000


Elementary School Newsletter 3.11.2024


Early Childhood Newsletter 3.11.2024